debugging udev on ubuntu

Tapas Mishra mightydreams at
Thu Mar 10 17:49:56 UTC 2011

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Michael Zoet <Michael.Zoet at> wrote:
> Am Do, 10.03.2011, 11:00 schrieb Tapas Mishra:
>> Hi, one of my Ubuntu machines  where I am trying to create Xen based
>> virtualizaton setup (as the machine is non VT)
>>  I am not able to create guest Operating system on it.Having digged
>> through the logs which can be seen here
> What OS (and Version) do you want to install? I had once problems
> installing an Ubuntu 10.04 VM on a 8.04 Xen server.
I am trying Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit on Ubuntu 10.04 64 Desktop using
Xen-4.0.1 and pv-ops dom0 kernel from Jeremy's Tree the kernel version

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