virt-manager including a feature in lucid

Michael Zoet Michael.Zoet at
Thu Mar 10 13:15:40 UTC 2011

Am Do, 10.03.2011, 13:55 schrieb Douglas Stanley:
> True, I believe you can do this on lucid if you run virt-manager locally
> (i.e. on the lucid server). But, I believe the poster wanted to run
> virt-manager remotely, like from a desktop.

Ah OK! I tunnel my X sessions over SSH and VPNs so I can get the
virt-manager from my server to my Ubuntu desktop. I think this is easier
and more secure...

> I'm pretty sure that if your desktop is maverick and you run the maverick
> virt-manager, then, you can get the desired functionality from the lucid
> servers.

Maybe this is the easiest solution ;-).


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