facter and KVM

Mark Foster mark at foster.cc
Tue Jan 25 22:00:03 UTC 2011

On 01/25/2011 11:48 AM, Oliver Brakmann wrote:
> I'd like to ask for your opinion whether it would be worthwhile to file
> a bug on this.  On the one hand, this is fixed upstream already, on the
> other hand, both puppet and kvm are in main, and Lucid might benefit
> from an SRU.  Is this SRU worthy?

+1 since per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates it qualifies
for both of these criteria in my opinion.
# Bugs which do not fit under above categories, but (1) have an
obviously safe patch and (2) affect an application rather than critical
infrastructure packages (like X.org or the kernel).
# For Long Term Support releases we regularly want to enable new
hardware. Such changes are appropriate provided that we can ensure to
not affect upgrades on existing hardware. For example, modaliases of
newly introduced drivers must not overlap with previously shipped drivers.

However it would also be necessary & wise to review the full change log
entries since there is likely way more changed in 1.5.8 (vs. 1.5.6 or 7)
than this one value change.

Mark D. Foster <mark at foster.cc>
http://mark.foster.cc/ |  http://www.freegeekseattle.org/

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