ufw ubuntu server 10.10

zongo saiba zongosaiba at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 18:07:24 UTC 2011

Hi  Guys, 


Just new to Linux and most of all to Linux Server. 

I have wiped out my server and installed Ubuntu Server 10.10 (today's

My goal is to use the firewall ufw for the entire network. One small problem
is that I have no access to the external router/modem.

Is it possible for me to configure ufw to handle all connections in/out
without causing an interaction with the main external router on the lan ?

I have gone as far as adding rules and ipforwarding on ipv4 and ipv6.  That
works great on the server but not on my clients which continue to have a
direct access to the network. 


Kind Regards, 


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