Which mail server stack to use?

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Fri Aug 19 13:07:51 UTC 2011

Stephen Young <stephen.young at chello.at> wrote:

>I have always in the past installed and configured my own mail server 
>with Postfix, Fetchmail, Procmail and Dovecot. I know that for a while 
>the Ubuntu server team have developed their own server stack and so I 
>decided to give it a go with my new 11.04 installation.
>However, when I look on Synaptic I see that there are two mail server
>. Both are described as
>"mail server delivery agent stack provided by the Ubuntu server team"
>So, my question is what is the difference between the two stacks?

They are the same, we just renamed it. The old name will go away after the next LTS.

Scott K

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