Ethernet bridging weirdness

Douglas Stanley douglas.m.stanley at
Tue Sep 14 20:32:26 UTC 2010

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Imre Gergely <gimre at> wrote:
> Take a look at /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file, maybe there's
> the funkiness (or funkyness?).
> Also, where is eth1 ? I'm not saying it matters know it shouldn't matter but
> still. Is there a NetworkManager that could mess things up ?

Nothing was out of the ordinary with that. It was one of the first
things I looked into when the problems started.

> On 09/14/2010 10:29 PM, Douglas Stanley wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm about at my wit's end, and I really hope some one might be able to
>> shed some light on this topic for me.
>> I have two physically identical servers, both running 10.04.1, both
>> are completely up to date. Both are set up to be kvm hosts. On both
>> machines, I have an IDENTICAL /etc/network/interfaces, the only
>> difference being two lines where ip addresses are specified.
>> The problem is, that both machines need a bridge set up on boot, so
>> that virtual machines can access it. One machine works 100% fine, the
>> other, the second bridge never comes up!
>> My /etc/network/interfaces file can be seen at:
>> Also, I just did a fresh re-install of 10.04.1, and performed the
>> updates on the machine that isn't working, thinking that maybe I did
>> something slightly different during the initial install. But it still
>> doesn't work.
>> If I type:
>> sudo ifup br1
>> I get: "ifup: interface br1 already configured". But, ifconfig doesn't
>> list either my eth2 or my br1 devices. Also, brctl show doesn't list
>> my second bridge. But, if I edit /var/run/network/ifstate and remove
>> the br1=br1 line, then run "sudo ifup br1", it comes up just fine.
>> Similarly, if I "sudo ifdown br1;sudo ifup br1" that also works.
>> Any idea why it isn't coming up automatically on boot, when my other
>> identical machine does just fine? Or even where I might look to try
>> and figure it out myself? There are no error messages in any of the
>> log files that I could find. I'm truly stumped!
>> Thanks,
>> Doug
> --
> Imre Gergely
> Yahoo!: gergelyimre | ICQ#: 101510959
> MSN: gergely_imre | GoogleTalk: gergelyimre
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