Server Team 20101116 meeting minutes

Serge E. Hallyn serge.hallyn at
Thu Nov 18 21:37:37 UTC 2010


Here are the minutes of the meeting.  They can also be found online with
the irc logs here:


== Meeting Actions ==

    * ALL: please check the SRU tracker and help out with verification
    * robbiew to review /ServerTeam wiki
    * SpamapS to email a concrete proposal for addressing SRU verification backlog 

== General Discussion ==

    * There are a great number of unnasigned SRU-nominated bugs.  we
      should try tomake progress on the lucid ones before 10.04.2.
      SpamapS will devise a concrete proposal for addressing the
      backlog and email it for comment. 

    * hggdh sent out a call for packges running testsuites during
      build.  He got some more packages to build, and they are
      already on the process. 

    * Robbie's main focus with blueprints is to identify work we
      know we can't do. For the most part, looking good. He hopes to
      have it all sorted by Friday. 

    * After almost 10 minutes spent discussing maverick SRUs, it was
      suggested that while they had been important to discuss
      immediately after release, they should now be globbed into the
      big list with lucid ones. Skaet will be sending an email about
      a bi-weekly meeting to cover SRU's. Serge will remove them
      from the server team agenda. 

    * hggdh is working with zul to take over part of the SRU process. 

== Agree on next meeting date and time ==

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 23d at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. 

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