device label being shown none

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-server at
Thu May 13 19:52:55 UTC 2010

13.05.2010 19:01, Kaushal Shriyan:

> Any clue about the device label being shown "none" as below on Ubuntu
> 10.04 Server. ?
> /dev/sda1      xfs    447G  650M  446G   1% /
> none      devtmpfs     36G  216K   36G   1% /dev
> none         tmpfs     36G     0   36G   0% /dev/shm
> none         tmpfs     36G   36K   36G   1% /var/run
> none         tmpfs     36G     0   36G   0% /var/lock
> none         tmpfs     36G     0   36G   0% /lib/init/rw
> /dev/sda3     ext3    489M   27M  437M   6% /boot

File-systems like proc, tempfs etc. are not associated with an actually
existing device node. Therefore, one can use an arbitrary string as the
device parameter for the mount command. For example:

$ sudo mount -t tmpfs oohwhatanight /mnt
$ mount
oohwhatanight on /mnt type tmpfs (rw)

It seems, the scripts that mount /dev, /var/run etc. use "none" as
"device" parameter. That may be different to what was used on previous
Ubuntu versions. Moreover, whether or not using "none" is a good idea
seems to be debatable, since the mount man page explicitly says
| The customary choice none is less fortunate: the error message `none
| busy' from umount can  be confusing.


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