Changes in booting with ubuntu-server 10.04

Fabio T. Leitao fabio.tleitao at
Wed Mar 24 17:00:49 UTC 2010

I would say there is, one I have issued, kind of... but since there is no
do-release-upgrade in the lucid branch yet *apport-bug* got a little problem
there... I had to complain about ureadahead in the bug #545596

still unresponded

2010/3/24 Etienne Goyer <etienne.goyer at>

> Fabio T. Leitao wrote:
>> which is just fine by the way, but after I have done a #
>> do-release-upgrade -d from 9.10 to 10.04 on a test environment, I have found
>> out that the sreadahead was still installed, together with ureadahead,
>> making the book impossibly sloooww and full of error in my logs...
> Sounds like a terrible bug indeed.  Is there a bug open on Launchpad about
> this one?  If not, it would good if you could file one.
> --
> Etienne Goyer
> Technical Account Manager - Canonical Ltd
> Ubuntu Certified Instructor   -    LPIC-3
>  ~= Ubuntu: Linux for Human Beings =~

Fábio Leitão
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