KVM Networking Hell

Soren Hansen soren at ubuntu.com
Thu Jun 10 18:52:08 UTC 2010

On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 03:56:25PM +0100, Jamie McDonald wrote:
> You are correct, it does actually appear under eth0 - the paste bin
> ruined the formatting too and I wasn't diligent enough to check it.

Cool, thanks for clarifying.

>> Oh. So this is running in a hosted environment?
> Yes it is, it's a dedicated server running within Fasthosts datacenter
> in the UK

I see, ok.

>> Right, your host does /not/ act as a router or gateway of any kind
>> for the guest, so iptables and routing and whatnot does not factor
>> into it at all.
> Thankyou for clarifying this, various sources on the internet seem to
> have conflicting information.

Yeah, there seems to be much confusion in this matter. I started writing
an article on the subject, but never finished it. It's on an old laptop,
I'll dig it out and post it shortly. It explains all this stuff.

> As it turns out Soren, you were correct. I contacted Fasthost's
> support and they've added the new MAC address of the VM to the switch
> for me.

Ok, cool. In another hosting centre I had to actually make my host act
as a router, so that's possible as well.

> They even came and checked out this mailing list and mentioned you by
> name in the support ticket to confirm that your thinking was
> corrected. I can now ping the VM from an external location.

You can tell them I said "hi" :)

> Hopefully this thread will help someone else who tries to run virtual
> machines on Fasthost infrastructure, at least now I know KVM /
> Bridging inside out! =)

No problem :)

Soren Hansen
Ubuntu Developer
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