Ubuntu Server Community Team Meeting

Chuck Short zulcss at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 28 04:00:50 UTC 2010

Review Action Points from Previous Meeting

The actions were assigned at the previous meeting:

Action: smoser to publish karmic cloud image refresh (done) Action: 
Everyone: update status for your specs before the meeting starts (few 
left to do) Action: ttx, zul to blog about papercuts, make sure UWN gets 
the word (done) Action: ttx to send email about criteria and nomination 
to ubuntu-devel, ubuntu-server Action: smoser to raise thread about the 
no-ramdisk / -virtual config tradeoff (done) Action: zul, kirkland to 
unassign themselves from "maybe working on one day" bugs (done)

Alpha3 subcycle planning

Work Items for Alpha 3

Everything that's marked 'medium' or high is fairly sure to make it into 
'alpha3'. 'Low' priority specs are targets of opprotunities and we'll do 
our best to get as many of those done as possible. Please note there's 
not been much change on this week but we pretty much expect it to be 
stable now.

No questions were raised in the discussion

Spec Review

A general status review was performed for specifications that were 
considered to be a "high" priority that are < 30%. The specifciations 
that were reviewed were:

    * server-lucid-apport-hooks
    * server-canonical-application-support
    * server-lucid-seeds
    * server-lucid-uec-testing
    * server-lucid-ec2-config

jib raised the point that if you have anything you need f2f time with 
the team or others on the platform team, make sure your code's in a 
shape to get cracking staight away on monday.

Server Papercuts

Now that project has been announced, we have 4 external papercut 
members, and 18 nominations so far. The next step is to discuss 
measurable objectives on how we should approach the papercuts. After 
much discussion, Thierry proposed that we review the papercuts proposals 
in the next meeting. It should be quick +1 round.

ACTION: ttx to announce papercuts nominations

Apport Hooks

zul provided an update on the current status and the next steps. zul 
mentioned that the php5 apport hook is complete, and the eucalyptus 
apport hook has been updated. However, there has not been any community 
contributions yet.

ACTION: zul to do another call to action for the apport hooks involvement

PHP 5.3 for Luicd

zul brought up in the meeting that Debian is moving to php version 5.3.1 
for Debian Stable. It is currently in experimental and in the process to 
moving to Debian Unstable. zul mentioned that his preference is to stay 
with 5.2 since PHP applications that we care about (such as media wiki 
and drupal 5 still dont support PHP 5.3). Daivey asked if I have thought 
about what to with the "short tag" depreciation and mentioned that 
upstream is shipping with it by default. After much discussion about 
security, what it breaks, and to have it in backports the idea was to 
send an email to ubuntu-devel to get a wider variety of opinnons.

ACTION: zul to raise php5.3 update on -server and -devel mailinglist, 
outline which apps are currently not working with 5.3

Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team

Soren had perfrormed a UDW class on server automation which was great! 
Soren also mentioned that the PPA builds have been moved to a team PPA, 
so more people are being notified of build failures. He is also working 
on getting more of the qa-regression-testing run on a daily basis. As 
well as automated ISO testing will be moved to the DC

No other questions were raised for Soren.

Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team

A summary of launchpad bug 494565 was done by jjohansen. Jjohansen 
mentioned that the kernel team has changed the suggest configs to 
builtin (virto, virtnet, and 1 scsi). It booted in limited testing. Test 
images are available or you could have wait for the next kernel upload, 
(which is expected to be on friday). There is some concern that configs 
change will change the behavior so we need wider testing. It was noted 
that these changes were reasonably risk free but there is still some 

Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs

List at 
were cleaned up by kirkland and zul.

However there are new bugs there that has to be confirmed and triaged.

Weekly SRU review

List at 

The following bugs were nominated: #462172, #480152, #502878, #500457, 

Open Discussion

Nothing was raised in the open discussion.

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, Feb 11 at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.

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