Question about CLVM

Mat mat at
Tue Jan 12 22:41:23 UTC 2010

I've never actually had the opportunity to test this out yet so I may 
dead wrong, but what you're trying to do sounds like it could be 
accomplished with an LVM GFS and iSCSI stack. GFS being the shared disk 
file system that can be access by multiple machines via iSCSI.


Douglas Stanley wrote:
> Hello list,
> I hope this is an appropriate list for this type of question.
> I'm about to set up some fail over VM hosts using KVM. I've got a
> shared iscsi disk, and I was hoping
> to use something like CLVM so that two hosts can have direct access to
> the same volume group at the
> same time (accessing different logical volumes of course).
> However, when I started looking into CLVM, I noticed it requires the
> redhat-cluster stack, of which I'm not
> much of a fan.
> So, is there an alternative to CLVM which doesn't involve
> redhat-cluster suite? Or is redhat-cluster suite
> and CLVM the preferred method for shared volume management in ubuntu?
> Thanks,
> Doug

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