Stable Release Update for Spamassassin

Jorge Armando Medina jmedina at
Mon Jan 4 20:17:52 UTC 2010

Scott Kitterman wrote:
> As many of you who run Spamassassin already know, there is a bug (see 
> for details) in 
> Spamassassin where all mails sent in 2010 are tripping the FH_DATE_PAST_20XX 
> rule.
Description about the issue and fixes in the SA main page:

For those uses who can't upgrade their SA version you can always run 
sa-update (if you aren't) and download the fixed rule.


> For some sites, this may cause all mail that is not explicitly whitelisted to 
> get marked spam (it's a relatively heavily scored rule).  This is already fixed 
> in hardy-backports and lucid.  It does not affect the packaged versions of 
> spamassassin in dapper or dapper-backports.
> There are proposed updates for hardy, intrepid, jaunty, and karmic that need 
> testing.  They are all built or building now and should be available in the *-
> proposed repository.  Please test and comment in the bug so we can get these 
> out to *-updates as soon as possible.  See the bug for details.
> Scott K

Jorge Armando Medina
Computación Gráfica de México
Tel: 55 51 40 72, Ext: 124
Email: jmedina at
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