Server papercuts: New nominations review on Feb 17 !

Thierry Carrez thierry.carrez at
Mon Feb 15 08:47:35 UTC 2010

Hello everyone,

At that point we only have 9 server papercuts identified.

We'll do one more nomination review round during this week's Ubuntu
Server meeting (Wednesday, February 17 at 1400 UTC, on Freenode's
#ubuntu-meeting channel).

We already have 12 bugs queued for review, but it's still time to
nominate your favorite Ubuntu Server minor annoyances, as long as you
think they fit the nomination criteria:

- Affects server packages (in main, universe or multiverse)
- Should be considered as bugs, not features
- Should affect Server experience
- Should be easy to fix (< 2 hours work, non-controversial solution)

Just follow this process:

0. File a bug in LP if it's not already there
1. Open the bug you want to nominate and click on "Also affects project"
2. Click "Choose another project" and type in "server-papercuts"
3. Click on "Add to Bug report"

Note that during that meeting, we'll also set papercut-fixing
goals (something like x bugs every week for the next y weeks).

For more information, please see:


Thierry Carrez
Ubuntu Server team

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