mssql + PHP issue - URGENT.

Soren Hansen soren at
Mon Apr 26 18:06:19 UTC 2010

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 04:51:47PM +0100, Jamie McDonald wrote:
> Our database servers however have remained as Microsoft SQL 2008
> servers.

There's a bunch of hints on the page for mssql_connect.
Specifically, this may apply:

    When you try to connect to SQL Server 2008 Express, you always have
    to name the instance you are trying to connect to, even if you
    installed SQL2008express as "Default" instance instead of named
    instance. If your instance is SQLExpress and server name is
	myServer, the server parameter must be: "myServer\SQLExpress". If
	you installed Default instance of Standard (not express) version of
	SQL2008 instead, you don't need to name the instance. To connect
    using TCP/IP, you need also to check server network configuration,
    enable TCP/IP (listen all: yes), then go to addresses tab and setup
    port 1433 in all addresses you want the server listen on (by
    default, port is blank and server don't listen).  Libraries involved
    in TCP/IP are ntwdblib.dll and dbnetlib.dll. Have fun!


Another comment on that page says:

    If your are trying to connect to a MSSQLServer 8 and got this error:
	Unabled to connect to: [SERVER_NAME] and u r using Server
	authentication, make sure 2 set up mssql.secure_connection to Off in
    da php.ini


    Making this world better everyday... peace out


Apologies for the poor spelling in that last one. I'm not the original

I've never used MS SQL myself, so it's hard for me to tell if the above
make sense for your case. If not, try looking through the comments on
that page for hints.

Soren Hansen
Ubuntu Developer
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