RFC: remove dovecot-postfix from lucid

Roger Hunwicks roger at tonic-solutions.com
Mon Apr 19 20:09:33 UTC 2010

Sorry for breaking the thread, but I registered to comment on the
proposal to drop dovecot-postfix and cannot see how to respond to an
earlier message.

I would like to say that I completely agree with Scott K:

We have a working solution that provides better functionality out of the
box than Red Hat, et al. Let's implement a better solution when we have
one, but don't throw out the existing 80% solution because it is not

I struggled with inadequate, obsolete and conflicting documentation to
set up the first Postfix/Dovecot mail server (on Red Hat) that I
administered, and I think that the ability to easily implement a good
configuration including SASL authentication is a big win for Ubuntu and
definitely part of my decision to recommend Ubuntu Server over Red Hat
at SMEs.

Incidentally, where does this proposal leave the effort to add easy
integration for Spamassassin and Clamav:

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