Server Team 20100331 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Thu Apr 1 04:35:18 UTC 2010


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with        
the irc logs here:        

==== Beta2 status ====

ttx reminded everyone that Beta2 Freeze was around the corner.

There are a few beta2-targeted bugs:

* Bug 292971 [1] (mathiaz). It will probably require a BetaFreezeException.
* Bug 493593 [2] (zul)
* Bug 408402 [3] (zul)
* Bug 532733 [4] (kirkland)

Most of the Work Items targeted for beta2 are not impacted by the BetaFreeze,
except for:
* puppet/uec-ec2: integrate upstream patches for testsuite (mathiaz). Patches
are available from upstream. However mathiaz may not have time to integrate
them in time for BetaFreeze.
* id-mgt-ref-env: package latest sssd (mathiaz): He may not have the time to
package this bug-fix-only update before BetaFreeze.

ttx mentioned the addition of a work item covering libvirt compatibility
testing. kirkland said he planned to work on libvirt with jdstrand a full day.

ScottK added that clamav reached RC2 for version 0.96. Testing is welcome and
packages are available from the ubuntu-clamav PPA [5].


==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team ====

hggdh reported he had run the stress and scalability testing on the UEC
testing network for Beta1. There are 2 topologies left for testing. Multi-
network testing still requires a lot of manual steps. kirkland mentioned that
he had the hardware to test multi-network but testing that topology was time

ttx asked about adding UEC topologies test cases to the QA tracker. hggdh
replied he would add them today.

hggdh wondered whether the daily -server isos should be tested on a regular
basis. ttx replied that pre/post milestones were the most important images to
test. If the tests are fully automated and don't require a lot of hand-holding
running them on the dailies could be useful.

==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) ====

jjohansen reported that two bugs related to EC2 had been fixed in the latest
kernel upload. Soft lockups are caused by a variety of things but they
shouldn't happen near as often.

==== Server Papercuts status for beta2 ====

ttx reported that 8 bugs were fixed while 2 were left open. ttx would like to
discuss how successful the project was and if it should be done again, even on
non-LTS cycles. He also confirmed that the project was now closed for this
cycle and new nominations wouldn't be accepted anymore.

==== Bug zapping status (kirkland) ====

kirkland reported a successful UEC bug zap from last week. mathiaz mentioned
he was running a MysQL Bug zap this week.

Community participation has been rather low for both the bug zapping and
server paper cut projects. A session at the next UDS should be dedicated to
improve Community participation.

==== Information about server survey (nijaba) ====

nijaba reported that the result of the Server survey were available to anyone
in the community that might need it.

==== UDS-M topics ====

ScottK brought up the idea of having a session at UDS on what we wanted the
next LTS to look like to have an idea of longer term stuff.

==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 7th at 14:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer
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