Server Team 20090922 meeting minutes
Thierry Carrez
thierry.carrez at
Wed Sep 23 08:23:45 UTC 2009
Hash: SHA1
Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with
the irc logs here:
==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ====
* soren to add manifest files to UEC images build system for alpha6: Done
* Daviey to update Asterisk 1.6 to RC1: In bzr and PPA, need sponsorship
ACTION: Daviey to get his Asterisk 1.6RC2 update sponsored
* soren to publish ec2-version-query in a more appropriate place:
assumed to be in hands of release team
ACTION: soren to clear out status for ec2-version-query publication
* soren to automate updating of ec2-version-query": Blocked by previous
* zul to ensure rabbitmq-server gets reviewed and promoted: Done
* soren to sponsor the patch for bug 420581 and update his vmbuilder on
nectarine: Done
* ivoks to file FFe for the redhat-cluster update: Done, bug 429834
Carried-on items, for reference:
ACTION: soren to automate updating of ec2-version-query" (once
publication is resolved)
ACTION: kirkland to open discussion on how to best solve the remaining
configuration options on Moodle appliance
ACTION: kirkland to get help from soren and smoser on proper
UEC-compatible image generation
ACTION: kirkland to discuss with niemeyer and nurmi about image store
integration testing
==== Alpha6 postmortem analysis ====
Alpha6 went out last week and was globally a smoother release process
than Alpha5 release. A few todo items have been identified, to be
implemented for beta release:
* Define seeds for vmbuilder to use (cjwatson, soren)
* MIR all non-main packages used in images (smoser), in progress
This includes using euca2ools, which in the latest version is
ec2-interface compatible.
ACTION: soren to update to latest euca2ools
* Publish ec2-version-query in a appropriate place (soren)
* Automate image publishing (smoser)
* Add build toolchain version numbers to manifests (soren)
ACTION: soren to add image-generation-toolchain version numbers to manifests
==== Roadmap review: UEC/EC2 images bugs ====
The karmic kernel used in the Alpha6 images turned out very good. The
only issue reported about it is a few missing config options (bug
428692) and lack of modules (bug 429169).
The most blocking issues in those lists are the MIR bugs since they
don't strictly depend on the team and might raise last-minute extra work.
ACTION: zul to follow up on the UEC/EC2 packages MIR status
A bug needs to be filed about the fact that the images include
unsupported packages, and targeted to beta.
ACTION: smoser to file one bug for the fact that the images include
unsupported packages
==== Roadmap review: Packaging and integration of Eucalyptus 1.6 ====
ttx performed some feature/usability testing on the Cluster install side
that uncovered multiple issues preventing autoregistering of components
to work properly. The blocking issue is that it is no longer possible to
register using "localhost", the external IP addresses must be used
instead (as they will be passed to other components), see bug 434651.
This might involve asking the user for the cluster's user *and* node
facing IPs. euca_conf should also support for forcing local copy of keys
(bug 434651).
erichammond asked about euca2ools having to provide ec2-* links to the
euca-* commands. At this point this is still under discussion. That
discussion needs to happen somewhere, so a bug will be filed to support it.
ACTION: ttx to file bug about providing ec2-* command names which call
==== Roadmap review: Virtual appliance ====
kirkland reported a slowdown in appliance creation last week, as other
priorities kicked in. He encountered some issues creating the images,
mostly related to vmbuilder and debconf questions. Several community
members contacted him to propose their own VM appliances and appliance
builders. mdz said that the reference appliance must be produced this
week. We need a fully reproducible build system but producing a
reference appliance to exercise UEC and the image store is more urgent.
mdz will take the opportunity of being at LinuxCon with kirkland to
discuss this more.
ACTION: mdz to sync with kirkland on Virtual appliance status
On the image store side things seem to be under control, with niemeyer
pushing last fixes and mathiaz packaging them.
==== Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs ====
Review of the bug list[1] raised the following remarks:
* cjwatson considers himself almost entirely done with the eucalyptus
tasks that were assigned to him
* nurmi mentioned potential need for a few more bits in the init script
to take into account /etc/eucalyptus/installer-cc.conf and will follow
up with filing a bug if necessary
* soren has a lot of bugs assigned, ttx will reassign a few to himself
* mdz noticed that wishlist bugs should be omitted from that list
unless they're targeted
ACTION: ttx to poke QA team about omitting untargeted wishlist bugs from
the buglist and add something to those pages which tell you who to
contact about them
==== Weekly SRU review ====
Most bugs in the recently-fixed bug list[2] pertain to karmic only, so
nothing stands out as SRU-worthy. No nominations this week.
On the list of accepted bugs with an assignee[3], zul said most of them
are now waiting to be accepted into *-proposed. mathiaz said we should
start using bzr branches to handle the SRU process, and wanted to
involve sbeattie in the process.
ACTION: mathiaz to involve sbeattie in the Weekly SRU review process
==== Open Discussion ====
erichammond said he still can't update importance on any ec2-images
bugs, as he is not a member of bugcontrol yet. mdz fixed it.
==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====
Next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 29th at 15:00 UTC in
Soren should soon start a discussion about moving the meeting to another
time, as the extended duration of the meeting doesn't fit "people in CET
with families" constraints.
- --
Thierry Carrez
Ubuntu server team
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