Upcoming Ubuntu Server Meeting - Tuesday, 15th of September - 15:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting

Mathias Gug mathiaz at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 15 00:50:52 UTC 2009


The next Ubuntu Server Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 15th,
15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.

Items [1] we will be discussing:

 * Review ACTION points from previous meeting.
 * Review progress made on the [[ServerTeam/Roadmap| Roadmap]]:
  * UEC images (Scott)
   * Active bugs:
  * EC2 AMIs (Scott)
   * Active bugs:
  * Packaging and integration of Eucalyptus 1.6 (Soren)
   * Active bugs:
  * Server Team Bug Workflow (Matt)
   * please delay this discussion until the next meeting attended by
  * Other specs from the [[ServerTeam/Roadmap| Roadmap]]
 * Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs:
 * Weekly SRU review (Mathias)
 * Open Discussion.
 * Agree on next meeting date and time.

If there are any discussion points or items for decision that you would
like to add to the agenda [1], add an item to it and begin preparations
to present a short introduction to the topic on #ubuntu-meeting during
the scheduled session.

[1]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting

If you have have been working hard on the project and want to let others
know what you have been up to, try to summarize it on the ReportingPage

[2]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReportingPage

SRU Weekly review

I'd recommend to review the list of fixed-released bugs [3] as well as
the list of nominated bugs for each supported release [4] [5] [6] [7]
before the meeting to take part of the weekly SRU review during the meeting.

[3]: http://people.canonical.com/~mathiaz/buglists/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html
[4]: http://us-dappernominated.notlong.com
[5]: http://us-hardynominated.notlong.com
[6]: http://us-intrepidnominated.notlong.com
[7]: http://us-jauntynominated.notlong.com/

As usual, anyone interested in the development of Ubuntu Server is
welcome to attend.

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer  http://www.ubuntu.com
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