Server Team 20091006 meeting minutes
Thierry Carrez
thierry.carrez at
Thu Oct 8 09:40:03 UTC 2009
Hash: SHA1
Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with
the irc logs here:
==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ====
* niemeyer to send mathiaz and nurmi a mail with details on how to test
the image-store-proxy integration with Done, though not
tested yet
* ttx and smoser to review the automation of the image publication
process: Done. Some automation steps are still in progress, should be
completed by RC
* smoser to open bugs to cover kernel/ramdisk GPL reqs and renaming:
Done, bugs 444598 and 444605
* ttx to test UEC images + UEC kernel/ramdisk on karmic UEC: Done for
beta release
* ttx to see if some bugs assigned to soren need urgent reassignment:
Done but needs some update now
* Daviey to setup a doodle poll and send the url to the ubuntu-server@
mailing list: Done, but suboptimal
==== Beta release postmortem ====
ttx reported that beta release went relatively ok, the main issue was
lack of UEC testing capability, which made it difficult to confirm the
bugs that were found. mdz pointed at a blind spot in testing with regard
to the UEC kernel and initramfs, which might require some adjustments on
the test plan. Further UEC feature testing should now use the UEC beta
image, together with published kernel and ramdisk. The need for at least
two complete UEC testing setups in different timezones was mentioned.
mathiaz should investigate the possibility of using some hardware from
the certification labs. A reference Canonical UEC setup running on 1.6
should be the right place to validate UEC images.
ACTION: ttx to review test plans and ensure they are aligned with 9.10
ACTION: kirkland to confirm that his test rig is fully operational
==== RC preparation ====
Status on a few actions:
* Automate publishing of AMIs to EC2 [smoser]: in progress
* Publish ec2-version-query in a more appropriate place, automation
[soren]: now in smoser hands
* mathiaz to set up OpenLDAP/sssd test infra on EC2: in progress
* mathiaz to get help from Michael Vogt on bug 194140: mvo will look at
it tomorrow
* kirkland to adapt VM recipe(s?) to use libvirt: still
todo, planned an OpenWeek session about it
ACTION: kirkland to adapt VM recipe(s?) to use libvirt
With FinalFreeze coming up on October 15th, we need to quickly identify
missing release-critical issues and regressions in server packages. mdz
stressed again the importance of using the regression-potential tag in
that process, see for
more details. kirkland mentioned libvirt as one package requiring a
complete triage effort, quickly organizing a bug day on that package
could help. For other packages, zul and mathiaz will be coordinating the
effort of sweeping through the bug lists: mathiaz will look at
Confirmed/Triaged bugs, while zul will look after New/Undecided ones.
Other team members should help in that effort, especially for the
packages that they usually take care of. A server bug day should be
organized to provide a framework for community participation.
ACTION: mathiaz to work with the QA team on a server bug day for Karmic
ACTION: mdz to follow up with marjo regarding general QA support in Karmic
Parallel to that effort is the need to stay on top of new bugs filed
during Beta testing, to quickly identify the potential show-stoppers. A
process[1] has been defined to at least set the importance of NEW bugs,
and a team member was assigned to each day (to take care of the bugs
filed during the day before). The backlog should be taken care of
==== Eucalyptus status ====
kirkland uploaded a new eucalyptus yesterday, merge of an upstream
bugfix revision that closes ~12 bugs. ttx tested it, autoregistration
still needs another pass as it seems to work by accident in that version
(bugs 443325,444504), and a deadlock bug still needs some investigation
(444352). kirkland holds a UEC-hardening mini-sprint with mathiaz and
nurmi in Austin this week, where bug 432154 and 436977 should be discussed.
==== UEC/EC2 images ====
Reviewing the UEC image bug list[2]: smoser will target to release
appropriately (bugs 444605 444598 440757), and will take some time to
setup a UEC image testing environment. zul should make sure the last MIR
gets completed, by fixing the testsuite.
ACTION: smoser to follow up with mdz regarding UEC image testing capability
ACTION: zul to fix m2crypto test suite and ensure that MIR is processed
Reviewing the EC2 images buglist[3]: jjohansen has put up some kernels
with tweaked configs (bug 428692). Note that it is possible to test UEC
images in plain KVM by passing kernel parameter ec2init=0. ttx and
kirkland will dedicate some of their UEC testing time testing the
candidate UEC images on smoser's request.
[3]: [[
==== Virtual appliance ====
The final design questions around the reference appliance need to be
resolved ASAP.
ACTION: soren/niemeyer to arrange a meeting to discuss reference
appliance plan of action
On the imagestore proxy side, niemeyer will provide mathiaz with an
updated version with a couple of very minor changes today. Testing
instructions are in mathiaz's hands, and need to be documented in a test
plan, that the happy few with a UEC setup can help test.
ACTION: mathiaz to document test plan for image store
==== Assigned bugs ====
mdz pointed to importance-Undecided bugs on the list[4], mostly assigned
to zul, that need to be cleared. The highest importance triaged bugs on
that list are the vmbuilder ones, assigned to soren, which should
dedicate some time to vmbuilder tomorrow.
ACTION: zul to triage his assigned bugs
==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====
Discussion over a better time for the team meeting should be held on the
mailing-list. Everyone should answer there.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 13th at 15:00 UTC in
- --
Thierry Carrez
Ubuntu server team
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