NetWork interface trouble...
Serge van Ginderachter
serge at
Sat Nov 21 10:10:22 UTC 2009
2009/11/20 Gilberto Nunes <gilberto.nunes at>:
> I'm in trouble here!
> I have a Dell PowerEdge T300 that I install Ubuntu Server 9.10 and now I
> can see one of 2 network interfaces...
Please define what you mean by "I can see":
- kernel hardware detection log? (dmesg)
- ifconfig output?
- somewhere else?
> The two interfaces is already enable on bios, but when I boot the system
> I can't map the interface eth0!
What exactly do you mean by "can't map"? Which config are you editing
and/or which command are you trying to execute? What error messages do
you get?
> I know why this happen.
O. Please tell us why this hapens? But I guess you meant "I don't know"?
> When I install the soft, both two interfaces are seeing by the system...
I guess you that's during the network wizzard?
> Somebody has the same situation???
My educated guess is that both nic's are detected properly, and you
configured only one of them during OS setup (which is the normal and
only thing to do at that time.) That would be eth0
Somehow, things got changed or mixed up after that, did you switch
network cards? Mother board? Or did whatever it takes to have new mac
addresses for your nic(s)?
The error message about eth0 being renamed to eth1 happens most often
because your system remembers the mac address of the origiban eth0.
When you get a new card with another mac address, it will rename the
interface to the next available number.
Edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules as jorge told you, or
maybe just delete that file, and issue the command "udevadm trigger",
then cast "service networking restart". As it looks from here, that
should do it.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Serge van Ginderachter
"Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an
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