Formatting HD

Michael S. Mason midnitemac at
Thu Nov 19 17:32:14 UTC 2009

Ladies & Gents,

I am wanting to know the best way to format my two (2) hard drives...  
I have two 250GB hard drives for use. What is the best way to  
accomplish this? I am thinking about the following listed below. Keep  
in mind that I have 4GB of RAM ** Also, this server will be used as a  
Mail (Only for myself), Web, and as a light, Virtualization server.  
Lastly, should I be using LVM?

Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, with /etc4

/dev/sda1   *		300MB's for /Boot
/dev/sda2		8GB HD for /Swap
/dev/sda5		The rest for / (root)

Disk /dev/sdb: 250.0 GB, with /etc4

/dev/sdb		250GB's for /Var

Thank you all in advance!

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