finding bottlenecks on ubuntu systems

Mark van Harmelen markvanharmelen at
Fri Nov 13 14:14:31 UTC 2009

Hi everyone

I've never done this before so all hints would be gratefully received.

We are running a 9.04 server, with a single unthreaded process that is of
interest, basically one that is busy transforming the contents of a mysql
db. I want to find out if we can improve the performance of this process.

Seems potential limitations are

- limited by CPU speed
- limited by access to mysql data on disc
- limited by memory size, and therefore spending its time paging

I'm wondering if anyone has any great commands  and/or command options for
me to start my investigations with, please.

Or any strategies, words of advice, or (instructional) sources that you
found useful in tuning your own systems.

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