[Jaunty] Vm Builder memory and network setup

Laurent Dinclaux laurent at gecka.com
Tue May 5 04:05:12 UTC 2009


I use vmbuilder to manage my virtual machines. I have setup a bridge
interface br0 for them.

Concerning the memory problem I have specified (using a configuration
file) mem = 512. After the virtual machine has installed correctly I
get :


Whereas the template specifies:

<memory>#echo $mem * 1024 #</memory>

Concerning network, the official server-guide says to copy and modify
in /etc/vmbuilder/libvirt/libvirtxml.tmpl

          <interface type='network'>
            <source network='default'/>


          <interface type='bridge'>
            <source bridge='br0'/>

But on jaunty I have that:

#if $bridge
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <source bridge='$bridge'/>
    <interface type='network'>
#if $mac
      <mac address='$mac'/>
#end if
      <source network='default'/>
#end if
#if $virtio_net
      <model type='virtio'/>
#end if

I suppose the documentation is wrong and that I should specify the
bridge name using a parameters but man virt-manager does no say
anything about it.


Laurent Dinclaux
Gérant - Gecka SARL
laurent at gecka.nc
Tel: +687 78 77 24

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