Server Team 20090609 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
mathiaz at
Tue Jun 9 20:16:30 UTC 2009
Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with
the irc logs here:
==== Merges ====
mathiaz reminded that the Ubuntu Developers were now focusing on merging
packages from Debian into Karmic. 104 outstanding merges in main [1] and 196
outstanding merges in universe [2] were waiting to be processed at the time of
the meeting. Any questions about merges should be asked in #ubuntu-motu or
#ubuntu-devel on Freenode.
ACTION: mathiaz to update the list of easy-merges for the Server team.
==== Karmic Alpha2 ====
mathiaz reported that the next milestone for Karmic was scheduled for
Thursday. The Ubuntu Server team will conduct testing of the ubuntu-server
isos. Testing is coordinated via the Iso testing tracker [3] where Alpha2
candidates will be posted for review. Once available test cases [4] are run
for each iso candidates. Help in this area over the next few days is welcomed.
==== Drafting specifications ====
mathiaz reminded that specifications should be finalized this week in time for
==== New members integration ====
ttx asked for a quick presentation of the different roles that could be taken
as part of the Ubuntu Server Team since last week a couple of new faces
attended the meeting. mathiaz gave a brief overview presenting support, bug
triage, packaging, documentation as the main areas to start contributing. The
GettingInvolved page [5] in the Server Team wiki has more information on how
to get started.
==== Heartbeat 2.99 in Karmic ====
RoAkSoAx announced that version 2.99 of heartbeat had been available in Debian
experimental and wondered whether it should be synced in Karmic. mathiaz asked
how stable 2.99 was compared to the version currently in unstable (and
karmic). RoAkSoAx reported that the Cluster Resource Manager code had been
removed from Heartbeat since 2.99.x and replaced by Pacemaker. The Debian
maintainer team plans to upload 2.99 to unstable once the last round of
testing has been done in experimental.
RoAkSoAx added that he had published package for karmic in his PPA [6]. He
plans on conducting some more testing on the packages and asked for more
testing from the community as well.
ACTION: RoAkSoAx to write a test case for heartbeat
ACTION: RoAkSoAx to write a blog post for a call for testing heartbeat 2.99
from a PPA
==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====
Next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 16th at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer
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