specifying domain controller for likewise open on 8.04

Jason Joines joines at as.okstate.edu
Tue Jun 2 15:23:05 UTC 2009

Ken Hansen wrote:
> That sounds like your credentials are only good for a server you can't  
> reach from your likewise box. I've used likewise at work once or twice  
> (8.04.2 like you), and it just worked.
> The issue appears to be on the AD side - I think you shouldn't have to  
> specify a domain controller, it should all just work...
> Ken
> On Jun 1, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Jason Joines <joines at as.okstate.edu> wrote:
>>      I'm trying to use Likewise Open to join an Ubuntu 8.04.2 machine
>> to ad.  There are several domain controllers to choose from.  When I  
>> use
>> the command "domainjoin-cli join example.local Administrator" with the
>> appropriate substitutions it always tries to connect me to a dc that  
>> is
>> not available from my location.  How do I specify an the dc to  
>> contact?
>> Jason Joines
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     Actually, it's not a credentials issue but a network issue.  DNS 
returns a list IPs for the domain fqdn in a random order.  However, only 
some of the systems in the list have their ports open to me.  Each time 
I try to join, the same system is picked from the list to try to contact 
and it's ports are closed to me.

     I've got the manual kerberos and winbind method to work before but 
I was able to specify which dc to contact then.  I guess I'll have to go 
back to that method.


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