Best IDE in Ubuntu, or Which IDE do you use ?

Jarl Friis jarl at
Mon Jul 6 13:47:47 UTC 2009

bvidinli <bvidinli at> writes:

> Which IDE do you use mostly in Ubuntu.
> I mean a programming environment where you develop GUI applications
> like old Delphi one, or Visual Studio.NET ....
> I want to develop GUI applications,
> I use Ubuntu 9.04, I have knowledge of programming, tried a few one in
> Ubuntu but not succeeded to get programming in a straight forward
> way..

I normally use XEmacs for most stuff, but there are exceptions: For
writing XSD confomring XML files I use Oxygen (commercial, but it's
worth the money). For designing Qt GUI I used Qt Designer (I haven't
tried the new Creater). For Java I would probably go for IntelliJ
(commercial), but I am not using Java at the moment.


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