Home file server - looking for ULTRA BASIC mail agent

Greg Michalski ubuntulists at distinctperspectives.com
Tue Jan 13 20:29:59 UTC 2009

I'm running 8.10 server as a home file and print server.  I'm looking for
the most basic of mail transfer agents capable of handling the sending of
routine reports and status information scheduled through cron via email to
an account on my ISP and don't want or need a full fledged, resource hogging
mail server.  Therefore during install I only selected Print server, Samba
File server and OpenSSH server (for headless administration).  Now I'd like
to have the ability to have remote knowledge of some system stats when I'm
not around to SSH in and check on things myself.  I don't need to receive
any emails on the server - only send things out.

Browsing through the Ubuntu packages list, sSMTP looks like a good solution.
Does anyone have experience with it and am I right in my interpretation of
the description here : http://www.linux.com/feature/132006 in reading that
it meets my needs stated above?  It reads like it's very easy to setup and
in effect I only have a single user.

Any comments/suggestions/flaming appreciated. :)

"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury,
and ammo. Please use in that order." - Ed Howdershelt (Author)


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