Server Team 20090224 meeting minutes

Thierry Carrez thierry.carrez at
Wed Feb 25 11:08:33 UTC 2009


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with

the irc logs here:

==== Postfix and Dovecot integration ====

ivoks created a wiki page for ideas about improving the mail server task
post-jaunty, available at [1]. This will be the base of the discussion
for future (Karmic Koala) improvements. He reported all known concerns
about this integration as being addressed.


==== Get rid of old libdb versions ====

ScottK and vorian reported good progress on that project. There is still
an issue with ldiskfsprogs dependency on libdb4.4 that needs to be
worked out.

==== Virtualization ====

soren announced that Eucalyptus recently entered the archive, which
gives us a free implementation of EC2 and S3 that you can deploy on your
own infrastructure. This is convenient for testing things before pushing
them to the real EC2, or if you want to offer computing resources
internal in your organization, but policies forbids putting data or code
on something as public as EC2. He welcomes alpha testers, however at
that point there is no "getting started" pointers yet, as some things
need fixing before it's ready for mass testing.

==== ClamAV update ====

ScottK reported imminent release of clamav 0.95. There are still a few
issues with libclamav rdepends to iron out.

==== Open discussion ====

Two subjects were raised during the open discussion. ivoks mentioned
users complaining on our effort on supporting LTS. Bugs get fixed in
development releases but are only rarely the object of an LTS SRU. Part
of the problem is that bugs in Fix Released state tend to disappear from
default launchpad bug views, and that the nomination system doesn't
really result in clear tracking of bugs affecting a given release. This
interesting discussion would benefit from being a future meeting agenda
point by itself, so that we can also invite some QA members to the

ACTION: ivoks to add to next week agenda an item about better SRU

The second subject was raised by ScottK and is about Landscape
integration into MOTD. Is it a good idea for Ubuntu to allow packages to
output links to proprietary add-ons ? dendrobates answered that the
decision on that matter was outside this meeting realm of control, but
that this opinion would be reported up and could make a good UDS
discussion. ScottK replied that this, affecting the server product, was
in our realm of control and would have preferred this matter to be
resolved before Jaunty release.

==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 3rd at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.

Thierry Carrez
Ubuntu server team

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