Server Team 20091223 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Wed Dec 23 18:49:52 UTC 2009


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with        
the irc logs here:        

==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ====

Most of the assignee were not attending the meeting.

ACTION: jib to talk to robbiew about ecryptfs in ubuntu

==== Check blueprint status and progress for the week ====

* server-lucid-eucalyptus-karmic-retrospective: on track
* server-lucid-eucalyptus-merging-and-packaging: on track
* server-lucid-seeds: on track
mathiaz is preparing the final list of packages and will ask for feedback on
the remaining items.
* server-lucid-euca-remote-autoregister: 50% done, slightly slowed down by
1.6.2 integration work, on track
* server-lucid-uec-testing: on track, even though the completion rate is low.

==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) ====

ttx brought bug 499785 - nic-usb-modules should include asix [1] to the
attention of the kernel team as it is needed to help test UEC in laptops

mathiaz mentioned he had asked the kernel team for feedback on dropping the
kernel-package package to universe.


==== Blueprints for post alpha2 ====

Once alpha2 is out, the server team will look at the next set of blueprints to
be implemented. Some of them still need more discussion which will happen
during the next meeting on January 6th.

The following blueprints will be reviewed:

* server-lucid-aws-client-libraries (mathiaz)
* server-lucid-asterisk-integration (dyfet, Daviey)
* server-lucid-cluster-stack (RoakSoax, ivoks)
* lucid-serverguide (sommer)
* server-lucid-contextualization (stgraber)
* server-lucid-papercuts (ttx)

==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 6th at 14:00 UTC in #ubuntu-

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer
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