What is the best/recomended/official way to backup VMs

Jarl Friis jarl at gavia.dk
Tue Aug 11 11:22:22 UTC 2009

Brian McKee <brian.mckee at gmail.com> writes:

> On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Jarl Friis<jarl at gavia.dk> wrote:
>> I am having some virtual machiines on my ubuntu server 9.04-AMD64. The
>> machines are KVM, I aam using libvirt to manage them.
>> I wonder what is the recomende way to backup these machines.
> Considering the deafening silence :-) I think you'd get a better
> answer on the ubuntu-server mailing list with that question.

Where did you get my email from? I did send it to the ubuntu-server
mailing list, and I did not send it anywhere else.

Anyway, I have forwarded the two answers I got to the mailing list,
because others might want to hear.


Jarl Friis
Gavia Technologies ApS
Omøgade 8, 2.sal
2100 København Ø.
Phone:  +45 26 13 20 90
E-mail: jarl at gavia.dk
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jarlfriis

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