Hostname in 8.04

Miano, Steven M. Steven.Miano at
Mon Sep 22 15:34:29 UTC 2008

-----Original Message-----
From: Soren Hansen
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 4:41 AM
To: ubuntu-server at
Subject: Re: Hostname in 8.04

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 01:05:53PM -0400, Jonathan Jesse wrote:
>>>> Is this normal behaviour, and is the recommendation to have the
>>>> /etc/hostname set to just the server name (without the domain)?
>>> Yes.
>> Is the answer to this is normal or is the answer to just edit the
>> name in /etc/hostname?

>Yes :)
>It is normal behaviour and the recommendation is to have the
>/etc/hostname set ot just the server name (without the domain).
>No editing required. When the installer asks you this:
>   Please enter the hostname for this system.
>   The hostname is a single word that identifies your system to the
> network.
> just enter your hostname. No more, no less.
>Soren Hansen               |
>Virtualisation specialist  | Ubuntu Server Team
>Canonical Ltd.             |

Also be sure to edit /etc/hosts, as sudo (and I'm sure other utilities) will not be happy if you decide to only change your /etc/hostname, and not reflect that change in /etc/hosts.


Post Script, sorry for the double Soren.

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