drupal 6.x install script

Jim Tarvid tarvid at ls.net
Sat Sep 13 14:24:13 UTC 2008

Rough cut on an install script. usage install_drupal user pass domain dbpass
The intent is to install drupal in user space such that
http://domain/brings up Drupal's install screen.

This would allow users to design their website and prepare it for uploading
to a public server.

To do that
1) add the user
2) build the skeleton at /home/user
3) download and install drupal 6.4 from drupal.org
4) prep the drupal install tree
5) fix ownership and permissions
6) create the mysql user and database
7) create the apache virtual config file and enable
8) create the bind9 zone and add to named.conf.local
9) add domain to /etc/hosts file
10 reload bind9 and apache2

Some obvious improvements
1) error check the parameters
2) test existence before creating users, apache config files, bind files,
hosts modifications
3) error checking and recovery

This could lead to an ubuntu package

I'd appreciate wisdom and advice.

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