OS Reboot on NetworkFailure

Henri Cook ubuntu-server at theplayboymansion.net
Sat Sep 6 20:16:54 UTC 2008

Dear Ante,

That's what I thought; hence the reason I ask if some how passing it up
to the OS could trigger the reboot. In that case, is there any way you
suggest I could remotely debug the cause of this reboot that I can only
recreate in the circumstances described??



Ante Karamatic wrote:
> On Sat, 06 Sep 2008 11:40:37 +0100
> Henri Cook <ubuntu-server at theplayboymansion.net> wrote:
>> What i'm wondering is - could DRBD be passing this networkfailure
>> event up to the kernel somehow and triggering a reboot - does a
>> machine ever auto-reboot on network failure? At the moment i'm
>> looking at it as a DRBD problem but didn't want to narrow my scope
>> too early.
> DRBD doesn't do that. DRBD can detect that other machine is down, but
> it doesn't do reboots. Whole purpose of DRBD is two keep filesystem
> going on the other node :)
> Unless you configured it to do reboots on network failure. Check
> you /etc/drbd.conf
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