Ubuntu JeOS

Marcus Young marcus at incarta.com.au
Mon Sep 1 12:13:42 UTC 2008

there was an error in postgresql-8.3-main.log along the lines of "unable to load root.crt".  After commenting out "ssl=true" in postgresql.conf the error went away.  The only "error" in the log now seems to be "incomplete startup packet" which I think is related to the client rather than the server?  With DNS, I just did some simple pings to localhost and hostname.domain.  I noticed that the Avahi mDNS deamon starts just before postgresql. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Soren Hansen <soren at ubuntu.com> 
Sent: Mon, 1/9/2008 21:45 
To: Marcus Young <marcus at incarta.com.au> 
Cc: ubuntu-server at lists.ubuntu.com 
Subject: Re: Ubuntu JeOS 
On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 09:27:49PM +1000, Marcus Young wrote: 
> I am not sure that this is the right list for this question?  I have 
> just been working on developing a simple java application appliance 
> (vmware) using Ubuntu JeOS.  The application runs against PostgreSQL. 
> So:    
> I built a JeOS server, updated and upgraded, installed Java 1.5 and 
> Openssl and then installed Postgresql.  The issue is that the database 
> seems to error during the start up process.  That is the boot screen 
> lists the state as "fail" rather than "ok".  However, if I logon and 
> give it a few seconds it appears to have started correctly.  I thought 
> that it may have something to do with DNS lookups or certs (there were 
> errors in the logs) but have eliminated these possibilities.   
How did you eliminate these possibilities? 
Soren Hansen               |  
Virtualisation specialist  | Ubuntu Server Team 
Canonical Ltd.             | http://www.ubuntu.com/ 

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