Ubuntoo Home Server

Thomas Maleshafske tmaleshafske at maleshafske.com
Mon Oct 13 22:09:08 UTC 2008

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 3:36 PM, Andrew Morgan <andrewmorgan.m at gmail.com>wrote:

> Ok long story short I'm trying to take one of my old desktop PC's, socket
> 939 AMD, and turn it into a small home server for a few friends and family.
> The functions I'm looking for are;
> The ability to RDP into it from any OS, specifically XP.
> VPN in and pull down a network drive that has mutliple user folders, that
> only specific users can access, and a shared folder for all users to access
> from anywhere in the US to any OS, specifically XP.
> The ability to work from a regular desktop until such time that proper
> server hardware can be purchased.
Ubuntu Server can serve all of these needs.  take a look at
http://ebox-platform.com/  this is available in the software repositories or
by adding the repositories to the source.list file.  You wouldn't
necessarily need a shared folder for all users to access from anywhere if
you have VPN configured.  If you still feel you need that requirement you
best bet will be incorporating an ftp server and control the access to it.
Another option would be to use a windows program call Bitvise
tunnelier<http://www.bitvise.com/tunnelier>that you can then use SFTP
over SSH which is more secure.   The only
requirement that you have listed that I am unsure is possible is RDP access,
but VNC would get you the same results as what you are use to with remote
desktop in XP.  Also understand that the Server ISO is all command line and
doesn't provide any graphical front end by default.  It is designed to be as
light and secure as possible.  If you require a graphical interface download
the Desktop ISO.  You can still install server packages on a Desktop


Thomas E. Maleshafske
tmaleshafske at maleshafske.com
Helping People take Control Over Their Computers!
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