Install Xwindows to Ubuntu Server

Daniel Pittman daniel at
Wed Oct 1 13:19:53 UTC 2008

"David Dang" <ddang at> writes:

> I am new to Ubuntu.  I downloaded Unbuntu Desk top and having used it
> very effectively for the last few months. However, I am stuck wit
> Ubuntu Server because it does not have Xwindows. I tried to install it
> many times but I met with failure because it always encounter an IP
> address that it could not be contacted.

You might find it easier to install one of the desktop variants of
Ubuntu, and then install the server components that you are looking for
into that.

That way the GUI works out of the box, and you don't have to worry about
getting it running by hand.  There will be no real difference in the
function as a "LAMP" system, which you mention you are after.


> I have been reading about the questions posed to Ubuntu.  It seems
> that many others have the same trouble as I do.  I wonder why Ubuntu
> decided to take the GUI away from the server instllation in the first
> place.  It may make the whole program leaner.  But for the beginners
> to Linux, Ubuntu, I am sure that efficiency is not their primary
> concern.  Their concern is to be up and go to investigate.

*nod*  You might, perhaps, find it valuable to consider that it is not,
in any way, necessary to run the "server" flavour of Ubuntu to run a
"server" of any stripe.


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