Server Team 20081118 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Tue Nov 25 03:18:50 UTC 2008


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with        
the irc logs here:        

==== Server FAQ ====

sommer did more updates to the questions. The remaining answers to be filled
are for the questions that have been added to the FAQ.

ACTION: mathiaz to add a section about updating the ServerFAQ to the Roadmap

ACTION: kirkland to review the RAID related questions

==== Update ServerGuide for Jaunty ====

sommer created a blueprint[1] for the Ubuntu Server Guide. Suggestions for
improvement should be added to the wiki page. One suggestion was to split the
ubuntu server guide into its own source package (the server guide already has
its own binary package). This change should be discussed with the
Documentation team first.

ACTION: sommer to start a discussion with the documentation team about
creating a separate source package and bzr branch for the server guide.


==== Ubuntu Server survey ====

nijaba announced that the Ubuntu Server survey had been closed. He is working
on extracting the data and remove all the private information. The final stats
are 6844 responses (4144 full responses, 2700 responses not completely filled
out). The stats should be available in csv format in a bzr branch.

==== Jaunty specs ====

mathiaz announced that the schedule for the next UDS is being worked on.
Blueprints should be registered in Launchpad and targeted to jaunty. The
approver should be set to Rick Clark (dendrobates) and the ubuntu-server team
should be subscribed to the blueprint.

==== Graphical interface for the Server installer ====

cjwatson reported that he had been working on getting the GTK installer
frontend up and running for the Ubuntu Server installer.

==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 25th at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer

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