TurnKey under the hood in relation to Ubuntu/Ubuntu Server

Jamu Kakar jkakar at canonical.com
Sun Nov 16 03:24:09 UTC 2008

Hi Liraz,

Liraz Siri wrote:
> Thanks Fredrik! In your experience, what would be involved in improving
> the support for central deployment/management? Just off the top of my
> head it would be neat to have access to Landscape for
> testing/development purposes! We've read a bit about Landscape on the
> web, but we haven't had a chance to see it in action yet.

You can sign up for a free trial of Landscape at:


We're always interested in feedback about how to make Landscape more
useful.  Please feel free to sign up for an account and use the
'Feedback' link to let us know what you think.  If you have
questions, please ask (I'm one of the Landscape developers) and I'd
be happy to provide answers.


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