Ubuntu Server graphical interface?

Martin Hess martinhess at mac.com
Sun May 4 14:14:06 UTC 2008

Serge has pointed out what should probably be a 5th requirement.

* Easy to use

No point in having a GUI that is difficult to use. Windows is full of  
examples of such GUIs and gave GUIs a bad name. Additionally, if the  
tool makes it possible to manage a set of machines at the expense of  
managing 1 machine easily then it has failed the ease of use test.

> Yes. But haveing some enterprise management tool installed, to  
> manage just a bunch of servers might also be if not rificulous, a  
> little overkill.
> Lots of businesses are small companies who need to only manage a  
> small number of servers. Small companies on low budget where one has  
> to put up stuff in a short time frame, as one server won't serve a  
> workgroup 200 users, but maybe 15.
> A per server management tool is what often is needed there.
> Serge

Here is the requirements list so far:

1) Optional - must not be required for Ubuntu Server
2) Secure - must not have known security issues, must have good known  
security architecture
3) Scalable - must be able to administer sets of machines
4) Open Source
5) Easy to use - for 1 or more machines

Are there any packages that can meet such requirements?

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