Ubuntu Server graphical interface?

Neal McBurnett neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Fri May 2 14:01:58 UTC 2008

On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 09:24:48AM -0400, Gary wrote:
> Neal McBurnett wrote:
> >As noted before, webmin is a bad idea since it doesn't follow the
> >config file policy in Ubuntu and Debian.  
> You've asserted this before. Can you document this? I've found nothing 
> in the archives like this. And Google does not turn up any confirming 
> results. Webmin has been a good solution for a great many years, though 
> there have been some security issues in the past that were fixed.

Gary, I'm taking the liberty to post this back to the list.  Thanks
for inspiring me to further write up some answers I had previously

I also found it hard to dig out the story there.  Below are some
links.  I'm guessing that Debian policy on config files got tightened,
and basic maintenance was already more of a challenge than the
original maintainer could find time for, to say nothing of getting the
config issues dealt with, so it got dropped.

I think it would be very hard but guess that a champion could emerge
who was willing to do that work in a way that would meet the Debian
Policy Manual requirements on config files:


I've added some clarifications to the page which I just discovered on Webmin:


Note also:
why was webmin dropped?  https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2873

 The following give the reasons that webmin was removed from
Debian. As Ubuntu is a Debian derived package, it's not surprising
Ubuntu doesn't have it either.


I welcome more info on specific config file issues that people have

Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/

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