sparc port status

Mark Schouten mark at
Fri Mar 28 07:42:29 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 20:41 -0400, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:14:17 -0400 Lou Ruppert <lruppert at> 
> wrote:
> >I haven't been able to find much information about the discontinuation 
> >of sparc support in Ubuntu.  Does that mean that there will be no 
> >further releases past Gutsy as far as ISO images and packages go, or 
> >does it simply mean that Canonical won't "officially" support it, but 
> >that new releases will continue to happen.  It's sounding like I'm going 
> >to have to migrate to Solaris or Debian if I want to continue using my 
> >Sun gear.
> >
> As I understand it, it means Canonical doesn't support it commercially and 
> that Sparc issues won't be considered release blockers.  To the extent it's 
> reasonable without owning the hardware, all the developers I know of take 
> the non-official archs quite seriously.

It is kinda funny since the Ubuntu Weekly did write about this article:

You would expect Sun and Canonical to become better friends and try to
support eachothers hard-/software. 

Scott, are you saying that the lack of hardware is one of the main
issues for discontinuing support for Sparc? I think that should be
something Sun can fix.

Mark a.k.a. Jeeves_

PS: I've just setup a platform for the Ubuntu-release in .nl, based on
two T1000's (Sun Sparc) running Hardy and a X4500 (Sun x64) running

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