Server Team 20080319 meeting minutes

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Thu Mar 20 15:08:08 UTC 2008


Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with        
the irc logs here:        

==== iSCSI support ====

soren talked with slangasek about supporting root-over-iscsi and was granted a
FeatureFreezeException for this work. About half of the job is done, however
this feature won't make it for Beta.

soren doesn't have any test hardware - however he is in contact with one person
that has a proper test environment. He is particularly interested in blade
systems that support booting from an iscsi device.

faukles- mentioned he may have access to an iscsi box sometime next week and
would be willing to perform some testing.

==== LSB compliant init script ====

kirkland and owh started to work on adding a status action to init scripts
responsible for starting daemons on ubuntu server. Further discussions with the
release team lead to a rejection of the FeatureFreezeException. Although the
technical reasons are sound, the current phase of the hardy release cycle isn't
suitable for implementing such a feature.

So further work on this has been deferred to the next release cycle - which
would take a different technical approach based around upstart integration.

ACTION: kirkland to update the Roadmap wrt to the init script work.

==== Ubuntu Server Guide ====

sommer reported that most of the review work has been done on the Server Guide.
DocumentationStringFreeze is effective on Thursday, March the 20th. He's happy
with the new sections added during this cycle. So for hardy the Ubuntu Server
Guide is completed.

sommer has some ideas about improvements for the next cycle. mathiaz advised
him to add them to the [:ServerTeam/IdeaPool: Server Team IdeaPool page].

ACTION: sommer to add ideas to the IdeaPool page about documentation
improvements during the next release.

==== Status reporting ====

mathiaz is still rethinking the process for status reporting within the server
team. Now that the weekly meeting minutes don't have a status for each task the
server team has been working on, he is thinking about other ways to talk about
what's going on in the server team. The server team section of the monthly
report is already kept up-to-date on a weekly basis.

mathiaz tossed the idea of using a blog to publish a weekly report of what's
going on in the Server Team. nijaba wondered if a weekly report wasn't too
often. mathiaz said that a monthly report may be too big as a lot of things are
happening within the team. An option would be to start with a report every
other week.

==== Beta testing ====

mathiaz reminded that the Beta for Hardy should be released on Thursday and
testing is more than welcome. nijaba added some instructions to test the JeOS
iso [1]. mathiaz wondered why the JeOS isos weren't added to the iso testing
tracker [2]. nijaba said that it will be after beta is released.

nijaba also reminded that everyone willing to help to test pre-released isos
should register on the iso testing tracker [2] so that they can be notified
when new builds are available for testing.


==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 26th at 21:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer

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