Reading notes about virtualization chapter

Nick Barcet nick.barcet at
Sat Mar 15 12:42:14 UTC 2008


Thanks for the great work you have done on the virtalization section.
Here are a few note I took while reading through the virtualization
section of the Server Guide.

== ==
 * Virtualization may also need to be enabled in the BIOS.
 -> On most computer whose processor supports virtualization, It is
necessary to activate an option in the bios to activate it. The method
described above does not show the status of it's activation.

 * To list start a virtual machine:
 -> remove extra "list"

 * Similarly, to list start a virtual machine at boot:
 -> replace extra "list" by "automatically"

 * The above example assumes that SSH connectivity between the
management system and has already been configured
 -> add: and uses ssh keys for authentication.

 * virt-viewer  does require a GUI to interaface with the virtual machine.
 -> replace "interaface" by "interface"

 * consitency: in virtual machine manager section you use
"" as your example and in Virtual machine viewer
section you use "hostname".  I believe we should stick to the same example.

 * Be sure and replace web_devel with the appropriate virtual machine name.
 -> replace "and" by "to"

 * If configured to use a bridged network interface you can also setup
SSH access to the virtual machine. See the section called “OpenSSH
Server” for more details.
 -> should also point to the section explaining how to setup bridged

 * should we add a brief explanation about "virt-clone" ?

 * should we document how to create a VM using virt-manager GUI?

 * shouldn't we assume, by default, that there is no GUI on the machine
(we are in the server guide, right?)

 * Fists use of the GUI acronym should present the expanded meaning in

== ==
 * The above command will add the vim application to the virtual
machine, and create a qemu  image.
 -> change to: The above command will create a qemu  image and add the
vim package to the virtual machine.

 * I do not understand why we use qemu in the example where the default
and appropriate choice should be kvm

 * Section should talk about speed of deployement of a machine (<2 min
if using a local mirror)

 * Section should explain what are the "real-life" scenario where
ubuntu-vm-builder could be used (automated provisioning of virtual
machine, creating quickly clean testing environment, integrating the
creation of a virtual appliance in the build process of an application)

 * Combining ubuntu-vm-builder with libvirt provides a great environment
for virtual machine creation and management.
 -> add: using the --libvirt <uri> option allows to automatically add
the newly created machine to a libvirt domain.


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