this list's mailman header

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Wed Jun 11 13:52:05 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 11 June 2008 09:45, Serge van Ginderachter wrote:
> ----- "Scott Kitterman" <ubuntu at> wrote:
> > Yes.  Many people strongly dislike it and this is the standard
> > configuration
> > for Ubuntu mailing lists.  As with the previous thread on reply-to,
> > there is
> > no single right answer for this.  Some people will be unhappy no
> > matter which
> > way it's set up.  This is the way that Ubuntu picked.
> I am  subscribed to other lists and this server list is
> the only ine that does not dot it, hence my question.

Odd.  I'm not subscribed to any Ubuntu lists that do do it.  It may be that 
development lists don't do it, user lists do, and this one tends to server 
both purposes (which wasn't always the case).  IIRC it was started as a 
development list.

I bit of guessing in that, but I suspect that's the answer.

Scott K

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