this list's mailman header

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Wed Jun 11 12:00:15 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 11 June 2008 07:52, Serge van Ginderachter wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a particular reason why the subject of messages posted through
> this list is not rewritten with the typical [<servername>] tag prefixing
> the original subject?
> (I tend to group some lists in one mail client folder, and skimming through
> the messages is easier when seeing wich lists a thread belongs to.)
Yes.  Many people strongly dislike it and this is the standard configuration 
for Ubuntu mailing lists.  As with the previous thread on reply-to, there is 
no single right answer for this.  Some people will be unhappy no matter which 
way it's set up.  This is the way that Ubuntu picked.

Scott K

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