Offtopic : Posting "to" the list, correct policy ?

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Sun Jun 8 14:09:31 UTC 2008

On Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:21:07 +0100 Matt Darcy 
<ubuntu.lists at> wrote:
>Ante Karamatic wrote:
>> On Sun, 08 Jun 2008 08:38:54 +0100
>> Matt Darcy <ubuntu.lists at> wrote:
>>> Is there a policy on this sort of thing for posting to the list or am
>>> I being over fussy ?
>> Filter lists by 'List-Id:' header. Use smart e-mail clients that are
>> aware of mailing lists and have something like 'Ctrl+l' which replies
>> only to the mailing list(s).
>Sorry Guys,
>I wasn't saying "please do this to make my filtering work" thats quite 
>straight forward to resolve, more just asking about the policy which I 
>noticed due to the filtering failing.
This is standard for all Ubuntu ML.  This is a topic that comes up 
periodically an all mail lists it seems and someone won't like it no matter 
which choice you pick.  

You are free to set the reply to in your messages to the list if you care 
to.  That will give you what you are after for at least messages you send.

This is a lose, lose proposition for mailing list admins.  

I do wish we had a clean rule (like Debian does) that you should send just 
to the list unless people request it.

Scott K

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