RFC: Centrilized managment console

Nicolas Valcarcel nvalcarcel at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 6 04:31:46 UTC 2008

As we talk on Prague, one idea was to have some kind of diference between
the tool generated configuration and the user edited options, for example if
the tool read and write until it find a line containing "Stop here" or some
other section identifier, in which case it will be acepted some hand made
edition to the configuration files. That's what i meant on this part you
paste here i just need to specify it in more detail.

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Neal McBurnett <neal at bcn.boulder.co.us>

> Re:
> https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-centralized-services-administrator
> First, thanks!  I think something along the lines of a simplified
> admin for servers is critically important for Ubuntu to deliver on its
> mission.  And I do think that due to the huge demand, we need a GUI
> option, whether or not I use it....
> And I also suffer from what I think many on the team do - as a
> Unix/Linux hacker for over 30 years, I'm used to the command line and
> don't want some simplified tool to muck things up for me - I'm not one
> of the target users, and find it hard to find time to get myself in
> that mindset and work on this stuff.
> But like Dan I also think there is power in "a network-centric
> management view".
> Now I need some clarifications.  Forgive the brusk tone.  I don't know
> the answers - I just think some more clarity and comparison and
> investigation will help.
> Re: the rationale.
> What do you mean by "most of them make some non standard
> configurations files, which make difficult for sysadmins to tune their
> services.".  Won't the proposed ucsa xml files be the same thing?
> Re: the use case: how will this let Bob later "edit the config files
> by hand" without the tool getting confused?
> Launchpad is littered with unimplemented simple server admin specs.
> Why will this be so successful that upstreams or packagers will do the
> hard work of doing good backends?
> Or why not work with or build on eBox or webmin, and just make a new user
> interface (if you think ncurses will really be popular with the Alices
> and Bobs of the world)?
> Cheers,
> Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/
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