Server Team 20080416 meeting minutes
Mathias Gug
mathiaz at
Thu Apr 17 15:13:55 UTC 2008
Here are the minutes of the meeting. They can also be found online with
the irc logs here:
==== server upgrader run with --force-overwrite ====
mvo explained that update-manager is running with --force-overwrite when doing
a desktop upgrade. He wanted to know it was a good idea that do-release-upgrade
also run with --force-overwrite on a server upgrade. He explained that --force-
overwrite makes dpkg ignore errors about missing Replaces: when files from one
package travel into another one for example which is unfortunately pretty
common. After some discussion, the server team agreed with mvo that running the
server upgrader with --force-overwrite makes sense.
==== Review high priority bugs related to the Server Team ====
mathiaz reminded that important bugs should be milestoned for hardy. If anyone
is not able to milestone a bug, he should get with a developer who will have a
quick look at the bug and milestone it if appropriate.
nijaba wondered whether kvm testing has been tested enough. mathiaz reported a
couple of issues he ran into during his daily usage. Unfortunately these were
not easily reproducible or he found workarounds for them.
nealmcb mentioned that soren, our virtualization specialist, was already
virtually present on all machines. soren didn't deny it and we all started to
chase down soren virtual presence in our machines. All searches were
unsuccessful though.
==== Ubuntu Documentation Search ====
kirkland put up a page [1] using Google Custom Search that searches different
resources related to Ubuntu. It includes about a dozen ubuntu/launchpad/etc
related websites which are given priority when doing a global Google search of
the web. While designing the page he was unable to find an online database of
man pages shipped in ubuntu releases. He talked with cjwatson to put together a
site of manpages. mathiaz suggested to contact the Documentation Team and
present them his work.
==== White paper proposal ====
nijaba presented an idea to turn wiki how-tos into white papers so that they
are more appealing to corporate types. He suggested to start with the content
of and see which pages could be turned into white papers.
mathiaz suggested to contact the Documentation team and start by defining what
would be the content of a whitepaper. Having a session at UDS to cover that
would also be a valid option.
==== Agree on next meeting date and time ====
Next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 23th at 21:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer
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