Xen in Hardy

Andrew Shugg andrew at neep.com.au
Fri Apr 11 14:36:05 UTC 2008

Leandro Pereira de Lima e Silva said:
> Todd,
> What kind of networking are you using? I'm trying to use vif-route and
> network-route without much success even using the ethtool command.
> Cheers, Leandro.
> 2008/4/3, Todd Deshane <deshantm at gmail.com>:
> >
> > For the network problem can you give the following command a shot:
> >
> > ethtool -K eth0 tx off
> >
> > I plan to spend as much time as I can in ##xen on freenode and also
> > #xen on irc.oftc.net to try to get some advice.
> >
> > I would like to see a working system before hardy releases too :)
> >
> > Todd


I've been arguing in private with Xen on Ubuntu for some months now and
am close to having a working domU on hardy.  The fact that hardy's
release date is so close has me worried, but anyway...

Recently with xen 3.2 I've been able to create a bootable domU again
rather than something that just sat and spun its wheels.  Various
package updates have corrected issues with block devices, etc, and now
I'm stuck on networking.

Using today's packages[1] I have created a new gutsy domU.  When I start
it I get:

Device 0 (vif) could not be connected. Hotplug scripts not working.

A bzip2-compressed 'script' file is attached[2], showing:

xm dmesg
xm info
dpkg -l *xen*
xm log
cat /var/log/xen-tools/gutsy.log
cat /etc/xen/gutsy.cfg
sudo strace xm create /etc/xen/gutsy.cfg

Any suggestions?  I've tried Todd's ethtool suggestion but unfortunately
that made no difference that I could see ...

It is not the same problem reported in launchpad[3] where the vif is up,
and packets come in, but don't go out (204010).



xen-hypervisor-3.2		3.2.0-0ubuntu10
xen-utils-3.2			3.2.0-0ubuntu10
python-xen-3.2			3.2.0-0ubuntu10
xen-tools			3.8-4ubuntu4
linux-image-2.6.24-15-xen	2.6.24-15.27

[2]  'bzless' is one way to read it

[3]  For the curious:


Andrew Shugg <andrew at neep.com.au>                   http://www.neep.com.au/

"Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself."
"Is there?  Well I'd like to meet him.  I could do with a good laugh."
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